The dining room became one in a dwelling. In this space the residents savor every moment Because of its function as a place to eat, the key concepts presented in this dining room is a very personal concept, although sometimes there is also a guest is allowed to enter or visit the dining room area. Why is the dining room, including a fairly personalKarena area is where residents can gather and mingle with the beloved family favorite dish while eating. Well, there are some tips in order to display the dining room look more beautiful and attractive. The following tips.
Customize your dining table with chairs form of eating in your dining room. In addition to the chair form, do not forget to adjust the height of chairs and dining table. Choose a matching combination that is not only unsightly, but also comfortable when occupied. Ideally, the table should be high on the abdomen and below the chest.
Give bright lighting in your dining room. lighting can be obtained from artificial light sources (lamps) or natural light source (sunlight at noon). Well, that sufficient lighting in the dining room, we recommend placing the dining table and chairs near the window. For source of light at night, you can use a special light source of the lamp is placed not far from the dining table. It would be much prettier if you plug the source penerangann is focused chandelier illuminates the dining table area.
Choose an interior color that can increase appetite. There are some colors that allegedly can increase appetite. The colors in question include orange, red,. And green. You may combine the three colors, or you also may only use one type of color alone. If you are only going to use one of three types of color on top of color, mix with colors like beige, brown, white, or black.
Place a pantry cabinet, a painting, or a storage shelf in the area of the dividing wall between the room. Well, for those of you who want to create a more formal atmosphere, you can add soft partition that serves as a room divider.
Do not forget to adjust the shape and size of the dining table with a broad and interior design theme of your dining room. For a spacious dining room, will be very suitable when placed square dining table with a large measure, on the contrary, if your dining room is not as extensive, choose a dining table, round or oval small size.
Choose the dining chairs appropriate criteria. Comfortable dining chair is said to have a seat when the backrest is upright. Seat brackets should also be data and not too soft so that the body does not sink while sitting on a dining chair.
The dining table is a rough textured surface better given the strong layer of transparent glass. Other models are the ideal dining table dining table with finisihing is smooth and glossy.
and following a dining room that is suitable for both large and small apartments